Uzbek Commodity Exchange
Joint-stock company “Uzbek Commodity Exchange”
JSC “Uzbek Commodity Exchange”
Date of establishment
The Uzbek Commodity Exchange was established as an open joint stock company, registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan on April 9, 1994.
Our mission
We create the best conditions for our clients’ business by providing high-quality services, introducing innovations in commodity markets and in e-commerce area.
Operating schedule
The Uzbek Commodity Exchange is open from Monday to Friday (9: 00-18: 00). Lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00. There are two exchange trading sessions a day: morning and evening. The remaining trading platforms of the exchange operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Managment structure
The supreme body is the general meeting of shareholders of UZEX JSC.
Management body – Supervisory Board of UZEX JSC
Executive body – Management Board of UZEX JSC
Trading technologies
There are 6 trading platforms on the exchange:
Electronic system of exchange trades
B2B e-commerce platform
Vehicle license plate online auction – AVTORAQAM
Online auction of mobile numbers – mobilraqam.uzex.uz
Electronic portal for logistics – mytransport.uz
Electronic Public Procurement – XARID
Exchange Trades
Highly liquid goods and monopoly products are mainly sold at the exchange trades. These are construction materials, food products, petroleum products, LPG, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, cotton fiber and lint, mineral fertilizers, chemical products, feed for livestock.
Brokerage companies participate in exchange auctions in accordance with their client orders provided in electronic form. All financial settlements are carried out by the Clearing Chamber, which also guarantees execution of transactions.
B2B e-commerce platform
B2B e-commerce is the first Internet trading platform of the exchange which was implemented in 2005 for business entities. Any types of goods can be traded on this platform. Examples of products are construction materials, spare parts, food, household items, and office equipment. Auctions are conducted in competitive or in noncompetitive form. Any customer can take part at the auctions without hiring a brokerage company.
In 2017, a new trading system for trading state vehicle registration license plate numbers started functioning at UZEX.
Divisions of Head Department of Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan offers vehicles license plates numbers on online auction. Three categories of numbers are offered for sale.
Participation at electronic trades is realized remotely via personal portal and does not require any paper documents. An applicant who offers the highest price during the auction is accepted as the winner of the bid.
This is a new electronic trading system of UzRTSB JSC for the sale of paid subscriber numbers with a popular combination of numbers through an online auction. Both legal entities (B2B) and individuals (B2C) will be able to take part in the online auction as buyers. The new trading mechanism, like other trading platforms of the UZEX, is based on the principles of openness, transparency, competitiveness and equal access for all bidders.
Public procurements
Since 2018, UZEX is commissioned as an operator of a special information portal for public procurements – xarid.uz
Transparency, openness, and efficiency of public procurement is provided via this portal. Specifically, the portal grants access to all information on public procurement contracts and the e-procurement process is carried out in the form of e-shop and e-auction. The purchasers and vendors participate on bidding exceptionally using digital signature. The trading in this system is held in a form of reverse auctions. A guaranteed transactions support mechanism in this system is provided via Clearing Chamber.
Board | |
Name, Surname | Position |
Ziyoviddin Badriddinov |
Chairman of the Board |
Zulfiddin Kamolov |
First Deputy Chairman of the Board for IT Technologies and Innovations |
Nabixon Samatov |
Deputy Chairman for bidding and international cooperation
Viktoriya Mustafina |
Deputy Chairman of the Board for Strategic Development, Finance and Corporate Governance |
Kamoliddin Khudayberdiev |
Deputy Chairman for Relations regional branches and expansion of the nomenclature of trades |